There are 2.9 million U.S. voters overseas.
We're making sure every vote counts.

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The Center for U.S. Voters Abroad Turnout Project is thrilled to announce new initiatives to empower American citizens worldwide.

Stay tuned for upcoming voter registration drives, informational webinars, and advocacy campaigns tailored to your needs as a US voter living abroad. Your voice matters, no matter where you are! Join us in shaping the future of democracy. Visit our website, follow us on social media, and be part of the conversation. Let’s make a difference together!

The Center for U.S. Voters Abroad Turnout Project is an effort jointly administered by the nonprofits The Center for US Voters Abroad Foundation, a 501c3, and The Center for US Voters Abroad, a 501c4. Our mission is to help Americans living or traveling abroad participate in US elections. We are funded by foundations and individual donors who share that goal.

We are not connected to the FVAP. The FVAP is the official government entity tasked with supporting American voters living outside of the US, and is housed within the U.S. Department of Defense. The Center for US Voters Abroad is an independent nonprofit project not connected with any government.

No, we are not connected to either Democrats Abroad or Republicans Overseas. We are a non-partisan, non-profit organization and are not connected to any U.S. political party or party organization.